9. Covid case report logs from May 2021 M.SRI SAI PAVAN ROLL NO:79 8TH SEM



1) How does the pre-existing ILD determine the prognosis of this patient?
 in this
2) Given the history of autoimmune disease in the patient, how does the administration of steroids for COVID affect her RA and hypothyroidism? 

3) Would this patient have an increased risk for post covid autoimmune response compared to patients without a history of autoimmune disease?                                 2) Covid 19 with Diabetes 

Link to the patient case report log:


1) Since patient didn't show any previous characteristic diabetes signs, did the Covid-19 infection aggravate any underlying condition and cause the indolent diabetes to express itself? If so what could be the biochemical pathways that make it plausible?

2) Did the patient's diabetic condition influence the progression of her  pneumonia?

3) What is the role of D Dimer in the monitoring of covid? Does it change management or would be considered overtesting? 

3) Covid 19 Severe 

Link to the complete case report log:


1. Why was this patient given noradrenaline?

2. What is the reason behind testing for LDH levels in this patient?

3. What is the reason for switching from BiPAP to mechanical ventilation with intubation in this patient? What advantages did it provide?

4) Covid 19 Mild 

Link to the case report log:

1. Is the elevated esr due to covid related inflammation? 

2. What was the reason for this patient's admission with mild covid? What are the challenges in home isolation and harms of hospitalization? 

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